You know, usually I'm okay with raiding every other week. But when I miss things like our Nef kill, and then the first venture into Firelands
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I'm in a mood, or something. But I've been in one for over a week now, so I'm not sure if I'm just hormonally broody, or winter broody, or regular broody. Does it matter
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I'm going to make fun of some of the things you do (LJ, Twitter, blogging) and then be surprised and upset when you get upset and defensive! Derp derp
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And I'm surrounded by people, and they're talking, but it's all work stuff so I just sort of tune it out and stare at nothing in particular, unable to participate. The one odd person out. The tag along.
Half the time when I do talk, I'm run over by their more exuberant speech.